- To establish the role of objects in driving and facilitating movement in the Mediterranean.
- To understand how these objects shaped the experience, the memory, and the representation of movement in different areas of the Mediterranean and in different time periods.
- To use the material culture of mobility to actively engage the broader public with histories of movement in the Mediterranean space.
We will organise a total of four workshops, one in each year of the COST Action Project. They will all focus on an aspect of the Virtual Museum project that is one of the key outcomes for this working group.
Our first workshop, also in Zadar in February 2020, will introduce participants to the basic concept of the Virtual Museum and the technology that will be used to develop it.
This will be followed by a workshop in 2021 on ‘The Object in Context,’ another in 2022 on ‘Testing and Improving the Model’ and a final workshop in 2023 on ‘Lessons Learned and Future Challenges’.
We are committed to publishing the papers presented at our Conference in Zadar as a special edition of a journal or an edited volume.
We will develop an interactive Virtual Museum of the shipwreck at Gnalić in Croatia that will allow members of the general public to explore the material culture of the site and use it as a window into the broader history of mobility in the Late Renaissance period.

Konrad von Grünenberg, Beschreibung der Reise von Konstanz nach Jerusalem, 1487, fol. 50r, Badische Landesbibliothek