Prof Natalie Rothman in Discussion with Dr Guillaume Calafat, Book Presentation: Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism, Co-organised by PIMo and Sciences Po Paris, June 17
Join Prof Natalie Rothman in a discussion of her new book Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism with Dr Guillaume Calafat. This event is co-hosted by PIMo and Sciences Po Paris. The book under discussion is available in Open Access here: https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501758492/the-dragoman-renaissance/?fbclid=IwAR2vLBqVhBwlIkeb1I5eHGVfhdAHtxy-NEdzx2drCcoQfWHEAgjUDRkpxzw#bookTabs=1
Details for access will be available soon.