David Do Paço, ‘Tempo, Scales and Circulations: The Lazarets in Eighteenth-Century Trieste’, Ler Historia, 78, 2021.
This article reinterprets the circulations between the Mediterranean and continental Europe by studying the lazarets in eighteenth-century Trieste and explaining how they entangled and connected complex and autonomous systems for circulating information, knowledge, people and [...]
Katrina O’Loughlin, ‘The Pathless Seas: Configuring Displacement in British Romanticism’, Ler Historia, 78, 2021.
This essay considers the philosophical project of hospitality and friendship in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) through the movements of Victor Frankenstein and his “Creature”, tracking their attempts to forge social and emotional bonds in the face [...]

Elizabeth Harding, “Connecting People, Trade, and Orders of Knowledge: Mediality and Intermediality of Early Modern Auction Catalogues,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 150-167.
Elizabeth Harding, “Connecting People, Trade, and Orders of Knowledge: Mediality and Intermediality of Early Modern Auction Catalogues,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 150-167.
Elizabeth Harding, "Connecting People, Trade, and Orders of Knowledge: Mediality and Intermediality of Early Modern Auction Catalogues," in "Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José [...]

Joëlle Weis, “The Genealogy of a Collection: The Augustean Catalogues in Wolfenbüttel,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 135-149.
Joëlle Weis, "The Genealogy of a Collection: The Augustean Catalogues in Wolfenbüttel," in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), [...]

William Zammit, “Paper, Commerce, and the Circulation of News: A Case-Study from Early Modern Malta,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 113-134.
William Zammit, "Paper, Commerce, and the Circulation of News: A Case-Study from Early Modern Malta," in "Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez [...]

José María Pérez Fernández, “Paper in Motion: Communication, Knowledge and Power: Case Studies for an Interdisciplinary Approach,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 81-112.
José María Pérez Fernández, “Paper in Motion: Communication, Knowledge and Power: Case Studies for an Interdisciplinary Approach,” in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020), 81-112.
José María Pérez Fernández, "Paper in Motion: Communication, Knowledge and Power: Case Studies for an Interdisciplinary Approach," in “Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of CromohsCyber: Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María [...]

“Approaches to the Paper Revolution,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020).
"Approaches to the Paper Revolution," A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) José María Pérez Fernández, No.23, (2020). Available in Open Access here: https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/cromohs/issue/view/533/111

Giacomo Orsini, Luis G. Martínez del Campo, and Andrew Canessa, “The Strategic Mobilization of the Border in Gibraltar: The Postcolonial (Re)Production of Privilege and Exclusion,” in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 60-74.
Giacomo Orsini, Luis G. Martínez del Campo, and Andrew Canessa, “The Strategic Mobilization of the Border in Gibraltar: The Postcolonial (Re)Production of Privilege and Exclusion,” in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 60-74.
Giacomo Orsini, Luis G. Martínez del Campo, and Andrew Canessa, "The Strategic Mobilization of the Border in Gibraltar: The Postcolonial (Re)Production of Privilege and Exclusion," in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue [...]

David Do Paço, “Remarks on Foreignness in Eighteenth-Century German Cookbooks,” in A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 44-59.
David Do Paço, "Remarks on Foreignness in Eighteenth-Century German Cookbooks," in A Special Issue of CromohsCyber: Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 44-59. Available in Open Access here: https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/cromohs/issue/view/533/111

Dana Caciur, “(Re)Searching the Morlachs and the Uskoks: The Challenges of Writing about Marginal People from the Border Region of Dalmatia (Sixteenth Century)”, in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 28-43.
Dana Caciur, “(Re)Searching the Morlachs and the Uskoks: The Challenges of Writing about Marginal People from the Border Region of Dalmatia (Sixteenth Century)”, in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020), 28-43.
Dana Caciur, "(Re)Searching the Morlachs and the Uskoks: The Challenges of Writing about Marginal People from the Border Region of Dalmatia (Sixteenth Century)", in “Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of CromohsCyber: [...]

“Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space,” A Special Issue of Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020).
"Mobilizing Otherness/Alterity Across Time and Space," A Special Issue of CromohsCyber: Review of Modern Historiography, (ed.) Giacomo Orsini, No.23, (2020). Available in Open Access here: https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/cromohs/issue/view/533/111

Ann Thomson, “Filippo Pananti’s Algeria,” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2021.
Ann Thomson, "Filippo Pananti's Algeria," Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2021. You can access this text here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/BE2QSJM8XK9KVNESZZHJ/full?target=10.1080/1354571X.2020.1866289

Vasileios Syros, “Cosmopolitan Ideas in Early Modern Europe and the Jewish Tradition,” Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica 2 (2020): 56–67
Vasileios Syros, “Cosmopolitan Ideas in Early Modern Europe and the Jewish Tradition,” Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica 2 (2020): 56–67 You can access this text here: Cosmopolitan Ideas in Early Modern Europe and [...]

Vasileios Syros, “Conflict and Political Decline in Machiavelli and Renaissance Jewish Historiography,” in Гвиччардини и Макиавелли у истоков исторической науки Нового времени. Материалымеждународной научной конференции, 23-24 сентября 2019 г.
Vasileios Syros, “Conflict and Political Decline in Machiavelli and Renaissance Jewish Historiography,” in Гвиччардини и Макиавелли у истоков исторической науки Нового времени. Материалымеждународной научной конференции, 23-24 сентября 2019 г. ( Machiavelli e Guicciardini alle origini della scienza storica dei tempi moderni. Materiali del [...]

‘Διανοούμενοι και πολιτικές κρίσεις,’ διά-Λογος, Vol.10, 2020 (Intellectuals and Political Crises, ed. Vasileios Syros, dia-Logos, Vol. 10, 2020)
'Διανοούμενοι και πολιτικές κρίσεις,' διά-Λογος, Vol.10, 2020 (Intellectuals and Political Crises, ed. Vasileios Syros, dia-Logos, Vol. 10, 2020)

Translation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, edited by Rocío G. Sumillera, Jan Surman, and Katharina Kühn, (Benjamins Translation Library, 2020)
Translation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, edited by Rocío G. Sumillera, Jan Surman, and Katharina Kühn, (Benjamins Translation Library, 2020) This volume explores the intersection between Translation Studies and History and Philosophy of Science [...]

The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with the ‘South’, edited by Stefan Nygard, (Edinburgh University Press, 2020)
The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with the ‘South’, edited by Stefan Nygard, (Edinburgh University Press, 2020) Full details of the publication can be found here: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-politics-of-debt-and-europe-s-relations-with-the-south.html You can read the fascinating introduction from [...]

Vasileios Syros, ‘Marsilius of Padua and Isaac Abravanel on Kingship: The Medieval Precedents of Republicanism Revisited’, Medieval Encounters 26 (2020): 1–23
Syros, Vasileios, 'Marsilius of Padua and Isaac Abravanel on Kingship: The Medieval Precedents of Republicanism Revisited', Medieval Encounters 26 (2020): 1–23. Fully accessible here: https://brill.com/view/journals/me/me-overview.xml

Paul-Arthur Tortosa, ‘The Yellow Fever and the Italian States in 1804,’ A PiMO-CROMOHS Contagion Podcast
Paul-Arthur Tortosa, 'The Yellow Fever and the Italian States in 1804,' A PiMO-CROMOHS Contagion Podcast (2020) Retrieved from: https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/cromohs/article/view/11783