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Subject to PIMo Management Committee approval, Action Participants are able to attend approved Meetings and Training Schools, benefit from ITC Conference Grants, and apply to undertake Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM).
PIMo ITC Conference Grants are offered, on a competitive basis, to PhD Candidates or Early Career investigators (up to 8 years after PhD) affiliated with an institution of an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) in the PIMo Action. These may be used to attend international conferences on the research topic of the Action, but that are not organised by PIMo directly.
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) provide support for institutional visits, and are aimed at supporting individual mobility, and fostering collaboration between individual scholars located in Participating COST Full member / COST Cooperating Member countries.
Applications for both schemes are evaluated by the PIMo Core Team. Please check for annual calls for applications.