Newsletter June 2023

By |2025-01-20T10:32:31+00:00June 16th, 2023|PIMo Newsletters|

PIMo Newsletter June 2023 Fresh off the back of a hugely successful Summer School, Conference and MC Meeting in Rabat, Morocco, the PIMo Core Group would like to share the latest updates about the ongoing work of our Cost Action in its final phase. In this Newsletter, we are honoured to share a short text dedicated to the late Stefan Donecker, a committeed and enthusiastic member of the PIMo Management Committee from Austria, who sadly passed away on September 1 2022. We also include details of a forthcoming event that will be dedicated to his memory. PIMo has maintained a rich and varied schedule of activities throughout the first half of 2023, the details of which we are delighted to share with you here. Even as we approach the end date of our COST Action, we still have a busy schedule of forthcoming events, new publications to promote and a potential follow up project to expand on and further develop the valuable work PIMo has achieved. You can read about all of this below. We thank you for your continued support [...]

PIMo Newsletter, May 2022

By |2022-05-11T17:49:20+00:00May 11th, 2022|PIMo Newsletters|

PIMo Newsletter, May 2022 As the end of another academic year approaches (at least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), the PIMo network is proud to look back on all of our achievements over the last twelve months and look forward to many exciting events, funding opportunities and publications yet to come. Below you can find details of our upcoming training schools, one of which is still accepting applications from potential participants. You will also see details of future workshops, including one that is still open to potential participants. We are also delighted to share information about the upcoming Third Biennial Conference of the Society for the History of Emotions, on the theme of "Going Places: Mobility, Migration, Exile, Space and Emotions:" jointly convened by the University of Florence, the European University Institute and PIMo. As ever, we encourage network members to actively participate in our activities where possible. Please continue to check out our website, which is regularly updated with information about our events, recent publications and funding opportunities, as well as the fascinating Visual Reflections produced by network members. Wishing [...]

PIMo Newsletter, February 2022

By |2022-05-04T13:06:54+00:00May 4th, 2022|PIMo Newsletters|

A busy year ahead for PIMo As the restrictions connected to the pandemic are gradually being lifted, the PIMo network is once again able to organise multiple in-person and hybrid knowledge exchange, dissemination and training events. We will also continue to provide an online platform to share research and news from the PIMo community. In this newsletter, we would like to bring your attention to a number of exciting upcoming events, including, but not limited to, our annual Management Committee Meeting in Athens on March 17th, which all MC members are invited to attend, and three training schools, which we would encourage you to promote to postgraduate and Early Career Researchers. We also would like to welcome our new Project Officer, Davide Trentacoste, to the team. Davide may contact some members in the coming days and weeks with requests to update their information so please keep an eye out for those messages. As ever, we welcome and encourage members to contribute to the work of PIMo, especially by providing Visual Reflections for our website. Please do get in touch with [...]

Newsletter December 2021

By |2022-08-04T16:08:48+00:00December 23rd, 2021|PIMo Newsletters|

A Challenging but Productive Year Despite all the obstacles that 2020 has put in our way, our network has managed to adapt and continue to facilitate the production and exchange of top-class research on mobility in the Mediterranean. We successfully moved our major events online and developed new innovative strategies to facilitate the sharing of knowledge with network members and beyond. We launched a new podcast series, Contagion, exploring the history of pandemics  and public health in the Mediterranean space. The series, co-produced with the Cyber Review of Modern Historiography (Cromohs) and edited by network member Dr David Do Paço, is available to listen to here: Our Visual Reflection series, edited by Dr Paola von Wyss-Giacosa, offered fascinating insights into the history of mobility in the Mediterranean space through the analysis of visual and material culture. You can catch up with the wide range of contributions to it here: This year has also seen the publication of a number of books and journal articles connected to research conduct as part of the PIMo project. You can find full details here:  If you would like to [...]

PIMo Newsletter November 2021

By |2021-11-10T16:09:51+00:00November 10th, 2021|PIMo Newsletters|

Another Bright Year Ahead for PIMo In September of this year the PIMo Cost Action held its Second Annual Management Committee Meeting, online and in person at the Sabanci University's Sakip Sabanci's Museum in Instanbul. Attendees heard of the rich and diverse activities and outputs of the PIMo network over the last year as well as the exciting plans for the year ahead. In this Newsletter, we want to draw your attention to something upcoming opportunities and events, as well as highlighting some of the recent outputs that will be of interest. PIMo Training School, 'Moving Goods for Charity Across the Mediterranean (15th–19th centuries), 24-27 January 2022 Deadline for Applications November 20 2021. This training school, hosted jointly by the Centro Studi sui Monti di Pietà (Bologna) and Biblioteca Roncioniana (Prato), explores the history of charitable forms of exchange in the Mediterranean space. The School’s main objective is to offer an opportunity for research development, training, and exchange of ideas for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in the fields of Mediterranean Studies, Economic History, Religious Studies, Late Medieval and Early [...]

Newsletter May 2021

By |2021-05-12T09:03:01+00:00May 12th, 2021|PIMo Newsletters|

PIMo wishes you a safe, restful and productive summer Dear colleagues, After what has been an incredibly challenging academic year for us all the summer is finally in sight. We are immensely proud here in PIMo of how we have managed to continue to facilitate new and exciting forms of knowledge production and exchange on the history of displacement in the Mediterranean despite all of the obstacles the pandemic has put in our way. We are also particularly excited to share our various plans for the coming months, including funding opportunities to facilitate research and the sharing of knowledge as travel gradually opens up in some places, as well as a range of online and hybrid events that will facilitate the excellent work that has defined our network from the beginning. We hope that as many of you as possible will engage with our planned events, follow our outputs through our website and share the various funding opportunities we are making available widely. As always, we are grateful for your support and are available to answer your questions and facilitate [...]

Newsletter March 2021

By |2021-05-12T09:08:56+00:00March 12th, 2021|PIMo Newsletters|

PIMo Newsletter March 2021 Despite the ongoing complications arising from the public health crisis, the PIMo network has maintained a rich and diverse programme of activities throughout this year, continuing to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on the entangled histories of displacement across the Mediterranean. We are also delighted to announce that we will continue to support the production of research on this topic through our Short Term Scientific Mission grant scheme. We have just launched a new call for applications with a deadline of April 2nd for mission to be completed before September 30. Full details of this call can be found here: We continue to publish research material on our website,, and welcome proposals from potential contributors. Below you will find a short summary of some of our upcoming activities and the outputs we have produced in recent months. We thank you for your continued support for and engagement with PIMo and look forward to seeing you once we are in a position to return to holding face-to-face events. In the meantime, please do look at our ongoing work [...]

Get Involved and Get Funded!

By |2024-03-30T16:47:52+00:00October 22nd, 2020|PIMo Newsletters|

The PIMo team are delighted to draw your attention to a number of exciting opportunities to get involved in our activities and to secure financial support from the network. Please share these calls for applications widely. 1. Training School. El Museo Canario, 24-27 February 2021: Deadline 15 November 2020. The first PIMo Training School, on the topic of Diasporic Communities in the Mediterranean: Between Integration and Disintegration, aims to explore the “visible and invisible networks” between cultures in the Mediterranean area, from the fifteenth century to the present and to show the ways such connections were (and are) artificially separated by ideological and literal borders. Its main objective is to offer an opportunity for research development, training and exchange of ideas for PhD and postdoctoral students working in the fields of Mediterranean Studies, Migration Studies, Cultural Transfers and History of Emotions. Full details of the application process, eligibility requirements and the proposed programme are available here. Please share with doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. 2. Short Term Scientific Missions: Deadline December 05 2020. This scheme supports individual mobility, institutional visits, and collaboration between individual scholars [...]

PIMo Update

By |2020-05-15T11:43:19+00:00May 15th, 2020|PIMo Newsletters|

  PIMo in the Time of Corona Dear Colleagues, Hope you and yours are all well in these challenging times. The PIMo Core Group would like to offer you a brief update as to the continued work of our project, much of it in direct response to the ongoing health crisis, and to flag up our future plans for the coming months and years. As ever, we are looking for network members and collaborators to contribute to the ongoing work of the project, so please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any ideas for future events and/or if you would like to contribute to our Contagion podcast series or offer a Reflection for publication on our website. All the best and stay safe, Dónal Hassett PIMo Science Communication Officer Recent PIMo Activities The port of Marseille during the plague in 1720. Coloured etching after M. Serre. Credit: Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Although network members have been grappling with the challenges of adapting to methods of working and living in the midst of [...]

Newsletter 2020. No.1

By |2020-03-31T15:10:13+00:00March 30th, 2020|PIMo Newsletters|

A Message from the PIMo Action Chair, Giovanni Tarantino                                 Dear friends of PIMo, We are fast approaching the end of the first year of our Cost Action. It has been a year of exciting achievements, during which many well-attended events have been or are soon to be held across Europe (such as the ones convened in Brussels, Lecce, Florence, Lisbon, Geneva, Paris, and Sofia). This Newsletter details some of the outcomes of these exciting workshops. While we are working on the Budget and Work Plan for the second year of PIMo, I would like to encourage all of you to get in touch with me, or the Vice-Chair Katrina O’Loughlin, or the WG Leaders to discuss any further activity pertinent to the goals of the Action that you might wish to convene or participate in. I would also like to take this opportunity to once again encourage you to share some of the initial results of your PIMo research by offering ‘visual papers’ (max. 1,000 [...]