About Donal Hasset

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So far Donal Hasset has created 71 blog entries.

Newsletter March 2021

By |2021-05-12T09:08:56+00:00March 12th, 2021|PIMo Newsletters|

PIMo Newsletter March 2021 Despite the ongoing complications arising from the public health crisis, the PIMo network has maintained a rich and diverse programme of activities throughout this year, continuing to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on the entangled histories of displacement across the Mediterranean. We are also delighted to announce that we will continue to support the production of research on this topic through our Short Term Scientific Mission grant scheme. We have just launched a new call for applications with a deadline of April 2nd for mission to be completed before September 30. Full details of this call can be found here: https://www.peopleinmotion-costaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/PIMO-STSM_GP2_2ndCall_2020-2021.pdf We continue to publish research material on our website, https://www.peopleinmotion-costaction.org/, and welcome proposals from potential contributors. Below you will find a short summary of some of our upcoming activities and the outputs we have produced in recent months. We thank you for your continued support for and engagement with PIMo and look forward to seeing you once we are in a position to return to holding face-to-face events. In the meantime, please do look at our ongoing work [...]

Stefan Hanß, Materializing the Early Modern Habsburg Mediterranean.

By |2021-05-13T22:02:39+00:00March 1st, 2021|Research in Progress|

Exploring how the flows and counterflows of artefacts and materials shaped broader trans-Mediterranean affective spaces of shared interests and experiences, this brief contribution to ‘PIMo visual reflections’ is an appetiser for the forthcoming volume The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800, edited by myself and Dorothea McEwan. Thanks to the generous support of the COST Action PIMo People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492–1923), this volume will be published with the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, in 2021.   In my own chapter contribution to this volume, I take the imperial embassy (elçi han) in Istanbul as a starting point for a reconsideration of the cross-cultural dynamics of material exchanges. The Habsburg compound in Istanbul was a lively venue for fostering cultural contacts and exchange across the religious and imperial divide. Sixteenth-century chaplains to the imperial embassy portrayed the residence as a large building complex guarded by Ottoman personnel, five çavuşes and four janissaries (Fig. 1). The embassy building itself was constructed like caravanserais around an inner courtyard that accommodated a number of chambers, kitchens and stables with space [...]

Iain Chambers, Learning from the sea: migration and maritime archives.

By |2021-05-13T22:03:41+00:00February 24th, 2021|PIMo Conversations|

The sea is an anarchic passage; it evades any borders, it cancels out any trace of appropriation, it contests the arché of order and subverts the nómos on land. For this reason, the sea also preserves the memory of another clandestinity, that of oppositions, resistances, struggles. Not the clandestinity of a stigma, but rather that of a decision (Di Cesare 2020, 125).   Perhaps this affirmation by the Italian philosopher Donatella Di Cesare is too neat. We know that even the waters of the oceans, seas and their depths are being appropriated and increasingly resourced. Nevertheless, it serves to mark a certain limit in our reasoning and political calculus. At sea something always exceeds and flees the semantics secured on land, in the territories, buildings, monuments and laws. Thinking of the Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel (1995) famously proposed considerations of the deep rhythms of time, more recently Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell (2000) have encouraged us to confront the corruptive complications of multiple ecologies. The Mediterranean does not settle easily in predestined critical or cultural location. In immediate terms, contemporary European [...]

An Interview with Giancarlo Casale, Rosita D’Amora

By |2021-02-24T09:03:26+00:00February 15th, 2021|PIMo Conversations|

An Interview with Giancarlo Casale, Rosita D’Amora Salento University, Lecce   Giancarlo Casale is Chair of Early Modern Mediterranean History at the European University Institute in Florence, as well as a permanent member of the history faculty at the University of Minnesota. His new book, Prisoner of the Infidels: The Memoir of an Ottoman Muslim in Seventeenth-Century Europe will be released in summer 2021 from the University of California Press. Casale is also the author of award-winning Ottoman Age of Exploration (Oxford, 2011), and since 2010 has served as executive editor of the Journal of Early Modern History.   When we both started studying Ottoman history, this was not the most obvious choice of subject, especially for someone without a personal connection to the region. How did you get interested in Ottoman history and what have been the encounters, influences, personal choices and also fortuitous events that have shaped your intellectual and personal itinerary? Being an Ottoman historian, was it your ‘kismet’? Complete kismet. Retrospective kismet, if there is such a thing. The truth is that I had no background [...]

Pandemics and Population Mobility in Early Modern Europe: Actors, Networks, and Ideas, Tallinn University, 16 March 2021, Call for Papers

By |2021-02-11T10:01:07+00:00February 11th, 2021|Calls for papers|

WG2 Ideas in Motion Workshop on Pandemics and Population Mobility in Early Modern Europe: Actors, Networks, and Ideas, Tallinn University, 16 March 2021. This online  workshop seeks to revisit the effect of pandemics on population mobility and the emergence of new types of knowledge in pre-modern Europe and across the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea regions in order to explore similarities and differences in connection with the recent outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage contributions on specific case studies focusing on the links between epidemiological outbreaks, population mobility, and knowledge making, particularly in the early modern European period: We invite submissions on topics including, but not limited to: • The relation between the capacity of various organizations to control and monitor territories and population mobility; • artistic and intellectual articulations of experiences with pandemics and population related mobility (or immobility); • legal, political, theological, philosophical, and emotional arguments used to justify or prevent pandemic-related population mobility; • the role of established networks in enhancing or hindering population mobility, the emergence of new networks related to these functions; • the role [...]

The Second Annual PIMo Conference, January 28-29 2021, University of Granada

By |2021-02-15T17:57:15+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Conference Programmes and Keynotes|

The Second Annual PIMo Conference, hosted by the University of Granada, will take place online on January 28-29, 2021. The conference theme is 'Paper: Material and Semiotic Mobility across the Global Mediterranean'. We are very grateful to Prof José María Pérez Fernández, Dr Rocío G. Sumillera, the team at the University of Granada and to all those involved in organising this conference in the current challenging circumstances. They have ensured that we can start the new year with the kind of stimulating exchange of ideas that is at the heart of this network. You can access the conference programme here: http://www.peopleinmotioln-costaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Conference-Programme-Granada.pdf. All those interested in attending the conference should contact Prof Pérez Fernández on jmperez@ugr.es to register. Registration will take place on a first come first served basis. Full details of the conference participants and the abstracts of papers to be delivered is available here: https://www.peopleinmotion-costaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Papers-and-bios-Granada.pdf  The conference organisers hope, subject to permission of participants, to record the conference and make it available via a server provided by the University of Granada. Please join us for what promises to be [...]

Call for Papers, City on the Sea: Diocletian’s Palace, displacement, and space COST ACTION PIMO WG4 Workshop in conjunction with the Institute of Art History – Cvito Fisković Center, Split Croatia, 26 February 2021.

By |2020-11-05T19:01:53+00:00November 5th, 2020|Calls for papers|


Call for Papers for Methodological Approaches to Displacement Workshop, Tirana, 15 January, 2020.

By |2024-01-26T07:49:58+00:00November 5th, 2020|Calls for papers|

Call for Papers Methodological Approaches to Displacement Tirana 15-1-2021       Location: University College LOGOS, Tirana, Albania   After a successful workshop in Lisbon in March 2020 about (i)mobility patterns across the Mediterranean, we will continue our academic discussions in a workshop that will take place at University College LOGOS in Tirana, Albania.   This workshop will discuss, develop and create specific methodologies to address the problem of displacement, a contingency often associated with patterns of (i)mobility. In this context, methodologies will be mostly aimed at the development of a specific conceptual vocabulary to frame the different facets of displacement and dispossession in human (i)mobility in the Mediterranean.   In order to achieve this goal, we are looking for contributions that may depart from academic experience with specific types of historical sources (written documents, material or pictographically culture, portrayals of emotion, etc) as formatting instruments to develop specific case studies. In this context, we would challenge you to reinterpret your own sources and reflect upon your own conclusions, by discussing in Tirana the need to stream line a diversity [...]

Rolando Minuti, “Provence africaine”. Natural Science and Ideology of the Mediterranean

By |2023-05-30T18:00:52+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Visual Reflections|

In his reports, in the Annales du Museum national d'histoire naturelle (1802), of the results of his zoological research following Bonaparte's expedition in Egypt, there was no hiding Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire’s great satisfaction. The mere discovery of the Polypterus bichir, he wrote, "would make up for all the effort that a long-distance journey usually entails." It was indeed an important discovery, one of several made by Geoffroy during his scientific journey. The study of the anatomy of this unique fish gave a substantial contribution to his thesis about the anatomic evolution of the species; it was also particularly interesting as living evidence of the ancient Egyptians’ "fish of the Nile", whose theogony Geoffroy investigated in another memoir in the same year. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1     Description de l'Égypte, ou, Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française. Histoire naturelle. Planches, tom I, Paris, De l'Imprimerie Imperiale, 1809. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e0-bdc0-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 But there was also another and more general reason for Geoffroy's enthusiasm in describing his zoological discovery. In effect, these discoveries were also a [...]

Beatrice Falcucci, Omar Al-Mukhtar’s Glasses: A Modern Relic

By |2021-02-09T15:43:48+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Research in Progress|

The aim of this brief document is to draw attention not only to totemic, highly symbolic objects and curiosa as three-dimensional evidence, but also to value hoaxes, forgeries and copies, which can be as interesting for researchers as the originals themselves, since, as Schlebecker (1977) pointed out, a replica can sometimes effectively substitute the “real thing”. Starting from Omar Al Mukthar's glasses (with which he was typically portrayed), stored in the warehouse housing the former Museo Coloniale of Rome, I will consider their “appearances” (in museums and shops) and evocations (on paper, in movies) in different contexts and scenarios, as they multiply like a modern-day relic. This short piece will also contribute to highlighting the extent to which the flow of (real or presumed) objects across the Mediterranean is deeply entangled in empire-building, nationalist reactions and postcolonial contestations. Omar Al-Mukhtar (18581931) is known as the martyr who sacrificed his life while trying to free Libya from Italian colonialism. On 3 October 1911, as the Italians bombarded Tripoli in the first act of what was to be known as the Italo-Turkish [...]