Call for Papers for Methodological Approaches to Displacement Workshop, Tirana, 15 January, 2020.
Call for Papers Methodological Approaches to Displacement Tirana 15-1-2021 Location: University College LOGOS, Tirana, Albania After a successful workshop in Lisbon in March 2020 about (i)mobility patterns across the Mediterranean, we will continue our academic discussions in a workshop that will take place at University College LOGOS in Tirana, Albania. This workshop will discuss, develop and create specific methodologies to address the problem of displacement, a contingency often associated with patterns of (i)mobility. In this context, methodologies will be mostly aimed at the development of a specific conceptual vocabulary to frame the different facets of displacement and dispossession in human (i)mobility in the Mediterranean. In order to achieve this goal, we are looking for contributions that may depart from academic experience with specific types of historical sources (written documents, material or pictographically culture, portrayals of emotion, etc) as formatting instruments to develop specific case studies. In this context, we would challenge you to reinterpret your own sources and reflect upon your own conclusions, by discussing in Tirana the need to stream line a diversity [...]